Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Something Funny To Write In Wedding Invitation

As I have witnessed the birth of my son ...

As I have witnessed the birth of my son, differs considerably from the understandable way, as my wife has had the same birth. Especially in the item "pain" is (to my happiness as a man) can vary. Nevertheless, I hope not, my view is completely irrelevant.
For me it started in fact with the fact that I was comfortable on the bed and the phone rang. When I took off, I heard my wife. It was located since the previous Day in the hospital, where she was taking pills that should trigger the birth. However, because the doctors wanted to proceed because of the fragile state of health of our child very carefully and slowly, the birth would take several days, so I was driven temporarily home to Cologne. On the phone I told my wife in tears, that our son would be taken in one hour by Caesarean section from her belly. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran frantically through our apartment, where I looked around me for things that I should take with the hospital. As I said, to have all the necessary things with me, I drove off. While driving to the hospital cursed in Leverkusen I have all drivers slowed me on my way to my suffering wife. Some idiot was even then still stand, though there was green long. And when he finally pulled away, it was red, so he still has it done and I had to stop before the traffic lights! Despite this, and because of the lawless highway (which is around Cologne not a given) I got about half an hour at the hospital. I quickly ran to the station where I had left them. When I opened the door, I was startled for a moment: Her bed was no longer in the room. I was about to be late? Has it already operates?
I quickly ran to the place where the operation would take place: for Delivery room. For the first time it was not my wife, but I, who operated outside the entrance of the bell to ask for entrance. In all our many visits in the delivery room or in the prenatal I was just her companion, her shadow, entrusted to the staff barely. But now I found that the midwives and doctors had apparently been waiting on me. As I walked through the aisles, I saw joy and relief to the eyes of the people who came to meet me. One of them led me to my wife, who unfortunately was very different emotions. We were left alone for two minutes when I noticed that my wife wanted me now urgently needed as a comforter. Then, when the midwife came back, she asked me if I wanted to stay with because of the operation there. Your question rang in my ears as if she had been expecting as an answer "no" ("Will you be about this?"). That is why I hesitated for a moment, although I had made myself, at birth to be there. My wife, however, reached up for a moment and said angrily: "Alas, do not you come with me" Thus, this issue was resolved.
Shortly thereafter, they pushed my wife in the wing that housed the operating room. I was to remain outside. A little later we also had me in and asked me to put on the green's clothing, consisting of trousers, a shirt, a hood, a mask and slippers was. Especially the mouth guard I totally did not like. I had the feeling that I got hardly any air, and feared that I would because of the collapse at birth. But first, should I wait again. As I sat down on the edge of the bed, I suddenly heard screams of my wife. Oh! That did not sound good. So I had never heard of. It sounded to damn bad pain. Later I learned that they could not just fall off the table, but that some attempts to pay the PDA (spinal anesthesia) failed to miss, were. When it was once again a little quiet, I could enter. They told me to go to the head of the bed, where I could see just the arms and the head of my wife. The rest of it hid large green ceiling. I looked. All the people around me wearing the green's clothing. I almost felt like one of them. In a way, I also belonged to the team, only that I am the spiritual needs of my wife took care of while the doctors for the physical health of my wife and our child provided. So I was practically her personal coach. So I was not before me as useless as I had feared. My task was mainly to divert my wife with any stories of their pain. Fortunately, the surgery went relatively quickly pass. I guess there were only about 15 minutes until we raised our child for a brief moment on the green top, to show it to us. From the mouth of the Little, who had a strange gray-blue color, came out some liquid. My wife suggested this so that he spat at in this way. A doctor who was standing near us, told us then that the children of doctors who had participated in the operation, were satisfied with the newborn. This good news, I then tried to make clear to my wife. However, she was dazed from all the hardships and medicines to realize that the birth had gone well. Even I could not believe it that after all our fears of the first major Step had been made so well. The stone that fell from our hearts needed, so a long time until he reached the bottom. The positive testimony of the doctor confirmed then the kindly doctor hat, who was very satisfied with our Justus. To him we owe it also that my wife our Justus, who was after his birth, immediately brought to the intensive care unit, more than an hour after birth was allowed to hold in her arms. She was naturally very happy. And in my heart the sun rose again.


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